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The Grand Duke (2017)

The Grand Duke, or The Statutory Duel opened on March 7, 1896 at the Savoy Theatre, London. This last G&S opera ran for only 123 performances.


In the Grand Duke, Gilbert and Sullivan come full circle, back to the theme of their first collaboration: A troupe of actors takes political power. The Grand Duke is less frequently performed; as it has a long and rambling libretto. Nevertheless, the story contains hilarious moments and funny characters, the settings are colourful and the music is cheery and flavourful.


Our production included a principal cast of 17 and three wonderful choruses. It was staged January 27, 28, 29 and February 2, 3, 4, 5, 2017, to sold out audiences.




Designed by Wendy Boyd

Digital Adaptation by Grace Quinsey 

Photos by John Routh and Paul Veevers

Grand Duke
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